A nation-wide disruption in food manufacturing, along with severe labor shortages in transportation and distribution centers, has led CashWa Distribution Company to drop food distribution to schools in North Dakota and Minnesota effective November 1, 2021. This will impact most schools on the eastern side of the state.
Griggs County Central has reached out to other food distributers in the area to secure delivery of necessary items moving forward. At this point, we believe that there will be options for Griggs County Central to continue to get most of the items that we have had access to in the past but there could be an impact to the district as we make the required transition.
Other distributors may be short on items requested and have delays on deliveries due to increased demand. That could mean that students have different brands of foods then they are used to, and the menu might change slightly from week-to-week. We are hoping those will be the only noticeable changes to the students this school year, but this situation is out of our control. GCC might have issues getting specific types of food and there will be an increased cost in food distribution to the school.
The food manufacturing and distribution challenges are not unique to North Dakota and this will be an ongoing issue for most schools. As circumstances change, GCC will keep our school families updated.
Thank you to GCC school families for being understanding with menu changes and we appreciate the support for the school.